welcome to armbordy's page

hiya welcome to my webpage. i'm armbordy and this is what i look like in real life

as previously said, this is my sick freaking webpage. it's totally sick and i'm glad i made it

anyway, i guess i'll post some stuff i make here. i mostly like to make art and music.
for art, i like drawing, and sometimes ill go into blender and model and rig stuff.
for music i have fun using my keyboard that connects to my computer,
along with a (definitely not pirated) copy of fl studio.

i am also adjacent to knowing how to program stuff with python,
i guess i've also played around with godot for a bit, although i haven't really made a game
i should sometime it would be sick

anyway i suppose i'll talk more about the specifics of my stuff when i figure out how to make
a sorta nice header where you can check out all the different webpages so i'll work on that.

anyway check out my friend's webpage, she's a DUMB IDIOT :)))))

update 8/1/2024:

completed music page so you can check that out now :)

A button that redirects to sick armbordy site